GirlChat #484317
Can I summarize the situation from your over-long post?, just so I and others are clear:
Have you paid back ANY of the money? I know how hard it is to get and keep a job, but some good will is required on both sides. What worries me more, is that it sounds like you are asking to come back into chat, without having made much progress in your emotional life. In other words, you sound to be in the same place as when you made the mistakes Kero talked about. That may sound harsh and it is a bit circular problem - no support can equal no progress. Final, off topic, thought: I find it disturbing that all this internal stuff (including the Puzzled saga earlier this week) is being posted on what is a public viewable forum. ("washing your dirty linen in public"). The anti's must be loving it - surely there must be a better way? |