GirlChat #482931
When there's so much suffering at stake for an maa if being outed, it's easy for them to become a bit paranoid. As for me, I have moments of paranoia and fear, but also moments of feeling quite sure that such moments were not called for; were in vane; were not warranted; were produced by fear and not reason.
Well, Hello Diss, I commend you. I solute you. I praise you. Etc. My hat goes off to you, Dissident. I was going to attend one of those meetings, once, in the past, but backed out. Mike knows of this. If you talk to him, ask him about the guy who was on the phone with him almost a year ago, and had him play, on his computer, Maria Isabel's "En Mi Jardin" music video on youtube. He should remember this. Maybe not. But during those times, I was very paranoid and was thinking that I'd be put on a list if I ever attended. So I backed away. Even when talking on the phone to him, I was afraid as hell. But none of my fears have since proved worthwhile of having. I still have his number and will probably call him again. You said: One of the interesting and positive moments of the workshop was when one of the MHP's there made it clear that she was fascinated and genuinely interested (as opposed to reviled) with the idea of a man my age thinking that a 14 year old girl was extremely amazing and someone that I would be interested in dating had the laws allowed it. I say: Do you think she'd be this cool if the age was 7 to 11? To be honest 14 is a no brainer. 14 y.o.'s are at the healthy child bearing age. What if the number was 7 to 11 (prepubescence). How do they feel about adult contact or attraction to prepubescents? You said: I was further convinced by this workshop (though I was always of this opinion) that those of our community with the ideology that things are NEVER going to get any better for MAA's in society are completely wrong, and I am happy to express this opinion. Me: I'm not one of those that ever thought things were "never" going to get better for our community, since I know that times always change. It's always only a matter of time before things get this way or that way (bad for us or good for us - BOTH). Things never stay the same. There will come about a new scapegoat once we are freed. That's for sure, since humans love to hate a scapegoated minority. But that will have to be a battle for that minority once it materializes. We should, during our mission for acceptance, carry this message with us; the message that humans should be careful not to let themselves hate to fit in. That's how exploitative rulers have always controlled their populations. Crooked rulers have always scapegoated in order to focus their populations attention away from their own crooked deeds, and onto a diversion. That diversion now being us pedos. And after their "scapegoat the minority and divert attention away from their own crooked deeds" phase, comes the "spread the need to destroy this threat" phase. And the majority always buy into this game, since they find exciting to "hate in sync" (to hate to fit in) and to believe, yet at the expense of their own foolish ignorance, that the world is getting cleaned up as a result. But actually, I think you did point out this priciple fairly enough when you said things like: "I told her that there are all sorts of fears expressed as rationalizations for the government curtailing freedom of expression on the Net, and that the media and talk shows spread endless lies about the "sexual predator" hysteria. I assured her that I have never seen such an open and public board of child molesters explicitely discussing places to go where minors can be kidnapped and sexually abused in all the years I have been on the Net, and that the boards I participate in have strong rules against advocating illegal behavior of any kind, and that most of the MAA's I meet there are perfectly ethical human beings who do not support abuse. I also used the example of Oprah Winfrey recently describing an alleged training manual posted online by pedophiles that supposedly instructed MAA's in explicit detail on how to sexually abuse kids as young as infants, including the use of implements such as knives inserted into bodily orifices. I assured her that in my nine years of association with the open and public MAA forums I have NEVER come across anything remotely like that, and I told her that the lies and exaggerations routinely spewed from the likes of Oprah and other influential media moguls are largely responsible for panicking the general public into extreme hatred and fear of MAA's and into supporting all sorts of draconian measures to police society towards the alleged goal of "protecting" kids." Had you mentioned rulers wanting to exploit their subjects (like the paragragh I wrote, above), You might've stood no chance gaining any ground in an intelligent argument. I suppose I too should drop that bit. However I still support the mimesis theories; that humans are inclined to go along with the tide. And just so you know: When I said "Rulers" in paragraph above, I'm really referring to all who weild massive amounts of power over the minds of the masses and popular opinion; such as the media, hollywood, etc.). Anyways Dissident, Thanks so much for this news and for attending the meeting. You've made me feel much more at ease and hopeful, and much more inclined to try and attend one of these meetings at some point in the future. But if I did, I feel I'd only be good for answering questions. I'd be afraid to give a speech due to stage fright and not really being all that scholarly. Stahntii ![]() |