GirlChat #478340
but it may be, that a scapegoat is the only thing that holds civilization together. It may literally be it's foundation. It may be that we pedo's would have no choice in sitting back and watching them hang, since it may be that we would get such an overwhelming feeling of justice, that we wouldn't even think of helping them, once the time came and was right there before our very eyes. It may be that we would also not help them, since it would mean that we'd be seen as scapegoat-sympathizers, and would mean that we too would be stoned with them - as one of them. It may be that the power of the peoples' need to have themselves a scapegoat, is totally out of our hands, and simply way to powerful to understand or fight against. If there is a creator, he/she/it may have set up this scapegoat system for his own entertainment (goofy thought, I know - and don't think I dwell on that one too much - I sometimes just spit out ideas), and surely we, since we cannot communicate with all simultaneously, cannot organize, understand, and effectively fight it. It may be an "inevitable". We lucky ones, get the honors of sitting back and discussing like we are; discussing the flaws in human nature, while the rest go about virtually as unconscious sheep. It's no surprise to me that high-level leaders are often pedo's and homo's themselves. Being a pedo and a homo is part of being fully human, and they know it. But they use it for scapegoatiing tools. Anything to keep their parasitical asses in power. But I can't be too harsh on them, since like I said, it may be impossible to conduct a semi-peaceful society, without giving "the people" their scapegoat to take their primal aggressions out on. A sort of organized/contained sacrifice in the name of satiating our primal violent side. That's what all war is these days too. Same thing. Wars are staged to serve the following purposes: 1.) To give the beastly humans an "aggression outlet" on a staged battlefield, and 2.) To serve whatever political agenda rulers of quarreling have in store (the rulers talk to each other on their cell phones and set up the wars for their beastly citizens).