GirlChat #472915
Discerner is an enigma as his modes of expression often cunfuse us as to where he is actually located, he coul be British, American, British-American, American-British, Manky Scot's git, or a time-slipped Victorian gentleman. Click the link below to see an artists interpretation of Discerner as a Victorian gentleman.
Discerner presents a disturbing figure when it is learned that he was once molested by a family member, yet Discerner claims that he was not overwhelmingly affected by this incident and that he knows the difference between his own desires and what was done ot him. Discerner is obviously in denial about these events amd empathizing with his abuser. He does not understand how powerful child-molesters are, when a child molester victimizes a young person, that young person trapped by the experience of being molested and can never recover unless they are placed into therapy with a qualified mental health professional who can reinforce societies expectations of how the victim should react to their abuse. Usually by scaring them into beleiving that they will most likely come to be molesters themselves unless they deny any positive associations associated with the incidents of abuse. Not only does this indicate that Discerner iis in denial about his own history and extremely paranoid regarding Mental Health professionals but it also makes him all the more dangerous as no victim of sexual abuse would seriously argue that engaging in any kind of sexual contact with a child is not always abuse. We often have difficulty keeping track of Discerner's logic. His logic often frightens us and often deals in tongue-in-cheek, satirical justifications and accusations against society for failing, misrepresenting and scape-goating both minors and sexual offenders. At the moment, we are too lazy to bother to look up any quotes that we can edit out of context but we know that our readers will take our word for it. ![]() • ( http link ) Imaginary composite sketch. [Anonymouse] |