GirlChat #424808
but u are just not correct here.
If anything, Perverted Justice (even though I don't like them either) at least protects kids more no button. perverted justice does not protect kids at all. in fact, that is not why they exist. pj exists to destroy pedophiles. even their founder says this. they goad people online into meeting with teenagers that do not even exist. who does that protect? no one. next, they try to expose pedophiles and destroy their lives. they will let the family and friends know the person is a pedophile. they call the persons job and get them fired and call them a 'child rapist'. they did this with todd from girl chat and countless others. how does getting pedophiles fired from jobs protect children? how does taking every single thing away from a pedophile make children safe? in my opinion, if u take away everything from a person, and they have nothing left to live for, then u are actually putting children at risk. perverted justice was the direct cause of that man in texas killing himself. they are an accesory to murder. no button, perverted justice destroys lives, and puts more children in harms way. they do not protect anyone. at least those az idiots are only 'blogging'. who cares? they are just words. perverted justice takes actions against people that costs them their family, friends, jobs and sometimes their very lives. why? because they are attracted to children? they tell horrible lies about us. or, do u think that girl chat is a 'child rape advocacy forum'? this is what they call us. they tell people we promote the rape of children. do we do this button? is that who we are? i am sorry button if this sounds mean to u. it is not meant as an insult to u. i do not think u knew any better. i have a very large hatred of vigilante groups like pj. i hope u dont think any of this anger is directed at u, it is not. i am directing my anger where it belongs, to the murders and liars of perverted justice. by the way, u should also avoid reading the idiot comments at az if it bothers u so much what they say. they are just words, and it is actions that matter. u should be as mad an outraged at perverted justice as i am. be well button. rabit ![]() |