GirlChat #408254
Sure wish you could expand on the incident, being careful not to give anything away, but to just let us know what the "molest" circumstances were. Since it was the THERAPIST who ratted him out, not the daughter, I would guess she enjoyed it as much as he did, whatever they did. These days, just shaking hands and saying "How do you do?" is enough to convict a guy of "molesting" a girl. Since I didn't hear anything about him being sent up the river, the authorities must not of thought too much about it either. So it seems it is your opinion that he molested her, while in fact they might have just been friendly. Did you know it is considered NORMAL for a guy to yell and scream at a child, disdane them, scold them, punish them and be an all round A-hole towards them. THOSE kind of guys are Normal. But let a guy ENJOY a girls company, be nice to her, affectionate to her, treat her like a queen or goddess, buy her things, and maybe even steal a little kiss and he is a PERVERT!!!! It just isn't FAIR!!! I would rather be a PERV every time than be an A-hole to a girl! And I am sure the girl feels the same way about it.
So just what did they DO??? Is it that serious and unforgivable? They just might do it again if left alone. Would that be such a tragedy, to have the girl HAPPY for once? To feel loved and cared for, to feel desired and desirable? To Maybe grow up a little faster than expected???? I just hate these statements where people say that a Ped is "Stealing a child's innocence". Is that so bad? We teach them about everything else in life, but try to HIDE sex from them. WHY??? Kids are forbidden to see an R rated movie if it contains a little nudity or messing around. But it is just fine for them to go see Murder and Mayhem shows. Something is WRONG here!!! So your daughter might know a little more than some of the other girls in her class about "grown up things". I also just hate the Euphenism "ADULT BOOK STORES". They refuse to label what it really is, SEX BOOKS! But KIDS are not supposed to be allowed to see this stuff or their minds might be DESTROYED or Perverted or something... I am a parent myself, and if my son found out things before his time, not a problem with me. I won't go out of my way to tell him anything, but if he should find things out, is he "TAINTED" then? Well enough soapbox. Think you should give the guy another chance, talk to him, find out just what his intentions with the girl are and if it is full intercourse, then that goes beyond the acceptable limits of affection. But if he just wants to be her friend, WHY NOT? ![]() |