GirlChat #406648
How come no one over there ever asked to see the pleadings and orders in the Jack McClellan case?
...perhaps because attempting to request an open record might classify someone as a "journalist"... It was mentioned in passing, but my proposed order stated that he should be restrained from going to events... ...which, as you've seen, is grounds for being targeted for political prisonership. I see the phrase "targeted for acting as a member of the press" and the phrase "under color of law" intersecting here. Ten years and a felony conviction, Tony. You knew that when you committed the crime. Did you know that I was just fucking with you when I said on CNN that we "thoroughly infiltrated" your blogs and chat rooms. I looked at GC once before saying that. NORLY? lol... Let that be a lesson. I was seeing if you would react. ...and now you know. We lol'd and carried on about our business. Incidentally, in case you're looking to do PsyOp again... it's actually impossible to "infiltrate" a blog. Sorry to break it to ya. Where the serious dialogue about pedophilia and trans-generational sexual contact? Mostly either in the past, or on boards not devoted to the purpouse. While a lot of his behavior can be explained by virtue of his mental illness... Come again, breeder? He has moments of brilliance. He is tenacious. He is engaging and brutally honest and I think he found some form of society in this crowd. On the other hand, it appears that a lot of people here could give a fuck about Jack McClellan as he is the dance boy for the crowd. ~shrug~ What can we say? We support him in the face of the crimes against them, but he honestly wasn't that interesting of a journalist. I prefer legislative reporters to events reporters. ...just out of curiosity, ya gonna lock those up too? Start asking questions and stop giving speeches. ...any suggestions on the questions you had in mind? 'till then, we'll handle our nation as we have. Many of our laws are ridiculous. For example, in terms of art - what gets put into a photograph is illegal; but if it a rendition in paint, charcoal, pen, etc. it's okay. Wow. You're a bit behind the times, for a defense lawyer. The GL crowd had a golden opportunity to present its point of view. People were listening. Yes. 'n it wasn't on here. ...incidentally, you're taking a nose-dive in the polls. What happens? You attack a kid. What a cluster fuck. ~sigh~ Show me where I have done so? I mean, sure... it was a laugh riot to find out that someone who targeted a person for engaging in lawful journalism on the sole basis of his actual or percieved status of birth apparently spends his free time making child porn of his daughter while quitting his job to groom her friends ( edit ) - who the hell wouldn't find a laugh at that? - but I don't think I've said anything disparaging about, well... any minor, that I can recall. If I'm wrong, please link to the message. By not engaging in the dialogue, you are Yes. Thank you for bringing this reality into my world. However, I haven't been avoiding dialogue. I've just been engaging in better security practices while exercising my first-amendment perogatives. If this is a problem for you, perhaps you should consider what you did to the last journalist from this community you targeted? Riiiight. I'll engage the populace via the established guerilla means, to remain safer from criminals like you. But hey - if you've got suggestions, I may as well hear them, no? Well, carry on. If there was some serious discussion going on, I would join the party. But, we'll have to see. Or, y'know, you could always, say... do what most people do. If you want to see serious discussion - join the party and create it. Most of mine is in an offsite SLGBNPEA group. Okay - bitchy snipes or something of substance? Ball is in your court . . . Oh, probably neither. As far as bitchy snipes... while it would perhaps be fun, and appropriate, to launch an all-caps "you're a fascist" fest... it'd be pretty pointless. The fact that you openly confess to committing a federal felony, and pointing out the implications of this when you ask why we have not chosen to make ourselves vulnerable to similar criminal acts, happens to be the only part that is actually pertinent to the conversation. If I wanted to rant, I'd go to one of my str8/gay/lesbian/bisexual/nepi/ped/ehebe alliance groups and choose the appropriate forum for it, instead. As far as something of substance, on the other hand - you haven't really left much room for it. You're apparently feeling insecure, lashing out at the "silly" queers and how much they "fail," and then sticking an olive branch somewhere in the middle of it. Well, thanks for the branch, the gesture is tenatively appreciated... but if you want a sociopolitical deconstruction of contraphilanthropic advocacy as pertains to domestic and intrafamilial violence in the United States, and its roles in both the crime of genocide and the eroding of feminist successes in the last 50 years... you're going to have to write about that, instead... at which point people will probably start critiquing, proposing their own theories, digging up the players, authors on the subject, key legislation, and the like. You asked why we haven't written about it in the last week? Basically, because there's only so much one can rehash a subject before it's futile, unless something comes up. Incidentally, this is also the reason why most discussions on the broader topics which shape our lives tend to happen at boards other than this one. Here, it's been done. A lot. Taking the established body and jumping into debates in other forums is the only way to try to add to the body of knowledge, unless a new topic is synthesized. Buuuut... hey, join up! If you've got topics we haven't explored, we'd love to think about them! 'n if you've got topics we've already explored - we're just the sorts of sick bastards who would love for a newbie to show up and set off a new round of the flamefests and deconstructive critique by which human knowledge advances. Either way, we welcome your presence! Hope to see ya 'round. |