GirlChat #375246
I was looking at your blog just yesterday. I'd been talking to Celebrator on that Dutch forum /cgi/deref.cgi?url= ( about what had happened to GC, and I mentioned the Slashdot post about Verizon's actions ( "Has Verizon Forfeited Common Carrier Status?" /cgi/deref.cgi?url= , posted by kdawson on Monday November 06), and the subsequent discussion, and noted that you'd been advertising your blog there.
As I was looking round your blog, I was impressed enough by one of the entries ("Survivors", posted by BLueRibbon at 11:57 AM on Nov 01 2006) and some of the subsequent comments to save it. I'm shocked to hear that the blog has been taken down, less than 24 hours after I left it. I certainly didn't see anything you wrote there that I would consider worthy of removal. But I'm looking at Blogger's Terms of Service /cgi/deref.cgi?url= right now. To be honest, I can see how they can claim a ToS violation. They write, "You agree to not use the Service to: (a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is [...] otherwise objectionable". Basically, all they need to say is, "We object to it." Which would make it "objectionable". *shrugs* It's stupid, but there it is. Thanks for pointing out that there were cached copies, though. I've just been frantically saving Google's cached pages, to save the blog from oblivion. :) I've saved 40 or 50 pages - probably containing a lot of duplication, admittedly. Now, what do I do with them? :) I think all the blogs and message boards and websites in the childloving community are a vital part of our self-expression, and help both us and the rest of the world to understand what it means to be a childlover. I think that in the distant future, they will come to be seen as essential sources for understanding the history of the movement. The fact that they are continually being deleted is a bit of an obstacle to this! For that reason, I think that we should try to archive each others' pages. That way, after we've stopped being persecuted, the "blogging" chapter of our history will be able to be written. :) Mr. Crab |