GirlChat #362563
1.People's behaviour online does not predict their behaviour in real life. Phenomena such as viewpoint polarization, where opposing viewpoints get pushed to extremes, are especially potent on online forums where there is no personal contact involved. 2. Everyone has psychological issues. This does not mean they cannot have healthy relationships. In fact, learning how to deal with your issues is a large part of relationship dynamics. 3. GC is not a cult. You are simply using this contention to belittle the concerns others have with your newfound convictions. The reason so many of us have no patience for Taf-Kat and you is that you utterly ignore issues of the fundamental human rights of competent youth. YRU afraid of me, Todd? 4. Even Dissident and I recognise that there are flaws in the idea of youth liberation. However, the possible negatives are outweighed by the ethical implications of the exploitative paternalism of the present system. I've looked at the scientific and ideological evidence for both sides, and weighed it accordingly (incidentally, it doesn't even affect me personally, since I'm in a committed relationship). There's no mysticism there, Todd. If there's mysticism anywhere, its in your neurotic portrayal of sex as being an 'impediment to enlightenment' or whatever Taoist notion you've latched onto. 5. It's disingenuous to say that anyone "might" be a danger to a child. That's impossible to disprove, Todd, and it's irresponsible to say things like that unless you have compelling evidence to make that claim. 6. I didn't even see your stupid argument with JD. Yeah, he can be an asshole. So what? I've been on the receiving end of that. Suck it up. 7. People are angry with you since you seem to have abandoned tham. You were a person whom we thought we could trust and now it seems like you stopped caring and exchanged empathy for expedience. Do some more soul-searching, Todd. Your rhetoric is entirely unconvincing, as it is. ![]() |