GirlChat #361762
You constantly ask the question of "anti WHAT?!?" and you can never see exactly what the answer is. Anti-paedophile but pro-hebe/ephebephile for one in some things that you say, anti-child in others.
You go on and on here about "development of a child", but don't actually discuss the development of children at all. You go through some vague references of the first what.. 4 years of life? Then you jump straight to adolescence. 14 year olds are not children, regardless of what western societies insist on believing, and at best your suggestion is to make the AoC above childhood. The real question in it all is why. You deny the reality of the development of children in favor of some mystic ideal that has never been accurate but is greatly insisted upon by society. The fact that you ignore the true developmental cycles of children (in general, as they are individuals and some advance more quickly and others more slowly, but here I speak in averages - the middle point) in favor of this is the very reason why you will continue to be referred to as anti-child. Children are not pre-humans, they are not incomplete, and they are not mystical little beings that need to be protected from such natural things as sexuality and relationships. They certainly aren't adults, which is admirable at the very least, but that is all the more reason to support their right to explore their world on their own terms. They may benefit from an adult that is willing to teach them in these matters, but they will never benefit from an adult telling them how to feel about it. The reality of your least/worse compromise would be 12, as that is the age when full-fledged intercourse-orientated sexual relationships begin forming. Children generally begin exploring sexuality at half of that, then spend the rest of the time learning on their own terms what is what. Incidentally, the direct result from an adult being the one that the child chooses to explore that sexuality with is always a good one if the adult in question truly cares about the child. ![]() |