GirlChat #358853
I made an exhaustive post on Absolute Zero a few days ago over at BoyChat to alert them of who and what the AZes were and what they're up to. It was more or less my blog post on the same subject cleared up a bit and refined to a Paedophile audience. I didn't bother cross posting it here because I figured most of the GLers here had already been aware of my blog...given the confusion I'm seeing here that may not be the case! Please, read for yourself the post linked below to educate yourselves how this whole thing came about. This was really not a case of provocation like you seem to think Child Model Business.
I know debatecrime here can be abrasive and Ghu knows I've had my own issues with the man, but this is not what you think it is and I really recommend you go and study things up on your own to get a better understanding of what occurred. Also worth looking at is the subthread where the anatomical deadspace gave me some really great advice on wording. Well worth the time to read IMHO and if you distrust my quotes you can always follow the links to see what was said. But please don't try to play this 'blame the victims' game here with us. There is nothing wrong with responding to provocation and the Hellpig is a most deserving target IMHO. The man is your more or less standard troll only like so many anti trolls, he now gets to feel morally superior while he buzzing people for entertainment. I see nothing wrong with declaring as a legitimate target those who target us. --I*Love*Green*Olives PS: In the post linked all links are set to run through anonymouse for your protection. LGsinmyheart has it quite correct when saying to take all protections you can while visiting these guys. ![]() • ( http link ) Absolute Zero: The Evolution of a Hate Group [Anonymouse] |