GirlChat #357607
I was in love with my youngest; who I step-parented from 9 to 16.
There was definitely an element of appreciating her physical beauty. But the greater component was emotional closeness. For me with love comes respect. And as I knew she loved me, but wasn't in love with me; I gave her that space. There was only one instance where I looked away. But more often I simply didn't want to embarrass her by looking at her that way. Now it may be presumptious of me to assume that my attraction wasn't returned, or that her knowing about it would've brought about a rift I wished to avoid. But I made my call at the time in accord to the circumstances I found myself in. But this has nothing to do with Pedophilia. I usually don't want adult women to catch me scoping them out. So I tend to be discrete. As I see it its not a conflict. Its about finding a balance between desire, and desirable outcomes. Dante |