GirlChat #357562
Actually, I'm not saying that anyone should necessarily go out of their way to encourage children to go actively exploring things, either. When children are ready, they do it on their own. What I am saying, however, is that children should not be discouraged from it, either.. especially when it is on their own terms.
I also don't deny that it can be harmful or exploitive. My biggest concern is what the source of the harm and exploitation are inside of healthy adult-child romantic relationships. The source in this usually boils down to a lack of understanding and knowedge on the part of the child, and the lack of the adult in the relationship recognizing that problem. If children were properly exposed to the knowledge of romance and sex from an early age in a healthy manner, such as co-ed lectures in class going over everything from the specifics of how to safely engage in all sexual activities to both the benefits and problems relating to such activities and relationships, rather than the current exposure of categorically unhealthy sexual practices and attitudes, then virtually all of the harm and exploitation that can occur inside of the healthy and mutually beneficial relationships would be eliminated. The fact of the matter is, this would even help prevent a lot of the cases of unhealthy situations where harm and explotation are inherent and intended. If the children were taught the truth rather than having it held back from them under some thin excuse of "they're not ready", then the children wouldn't be so easily manipulated or exploited. Children are not more easily manipulated or exploited due to some mystical quality of being a child, they are more easily manipulated or exploited due to a lack of experience and knowledge. Ignorance is forced upon children, and naivete in certain cases is continued by design. The current climate of "protecting children" does nothing but set the stage for them to be naive, ignorant, inexperienced, unknowledgeable, and easily manipulated. They are creating an environment that forces children to be what they want them to be, just so that they can better control them. It also is a way for them to ensure that they are right when they make claims about us. In the end, yes.. we agree on a great deal. ![]() |