GirlChat #354798
Ahh, my apologies Brother Demo, if I struck a nerve with my question. I wasn't trying to be insulting.
This circumcision business is one with a dubious and convoluted history. I*L*G*O posted some good links. Another good site: Aesthetics is not the reason behind circumcision. It was introduced to the US in the 1860's primarily as a cure for masturbation... and the quackery just kind of takes off from there. In the 1880's there was a movement for compulsory circumcision of all black men, as they were considered incapable of practicing proper hygiene. It was also thought to prevent transmission of syphilis. In the 1890's, a new reason was cited for mandatory circumcision of blacks, and may I offer an 1894 quote on the subject from Dr. Peter Charles Remondino: From our observations and experience in such cases, we feel fully warranted in suggesting the wholesale circumcision of the Negro race as an efficient remedy in preventing the predisposition to discriminate raping so inherent in that race. Gotta protect those helpless white women, yessir! And so it goes. Circumcision was prescribed under dubious pretenses, and the medical community has updated the reasons over the years (prevents urinary tract infection, prevents penile cancer)... but one gets the impression that these are simply modern justifications to continue a traditional practice which had no legitimate purpose to begin with. *sigh* But enough about Wacky Penis Mutilation (tm). Let's get back to discussing beautiful little girls. :) ** Fruits-Candy ** ![]() |