GirlChat #350898
"Children simply do not have a sufficient level of emotional or intellectual development to be engaging company for an adult of average intelligence."
Words of a man who wouldn't know a child if she sat on is face, nor know a person of averege {or above} inteligence if she kicked him in the teeth. It's articles like this that make one ponder whetehr most adults are capable of any emotional or intelectual developement at all Much of what i know, and virtually every positive quality i posess was aquired from, or atleast because of one child or another. Oh, and just check out the author's user name: It's "darkside", people. Makes you ponder, eh? "Unwholesome uniform fetishist" "with sadistic perversions" who "must obviously have unhealthy carnal desires for children." indeed! :=O • ( http link ) The above article's author, curiously named 'darkside' [Anonymouse] |