GirlChat #350433
It is very important that you pose that question. This is the question that, imo, makes the difference between a true CLer and... err... soemthing else.
First of all: any innitiative must come from her. And even then, you will sometimes have to hold her back. For example, there is nothing wrong with "enjoying it way too much" if she playfully bites you on her own whim, but it IS a misstep to ask her to bite you. Curiosity should be saticefied first with words, and only then, if she insists, in any other way; and even then, only within reason and in-deapth consideration. Suggesting something you might find erotic pleasure in is only acceptable if it comes in responce to her own innitiative. Example: "I'm tired..." - "Want me to carry you?" is good; "You must be tired. Hey, i know - lemme carry you!" is bad. This also reminds me a discussion we once had on tkGL, though i don't remember with whom. The guy was in a sticky situation, not knowing what to do, when a girl asked him to stay while she's changing. Thrice. Son in a similar situation: "Shall i wait outside while you change?" "Nah, i'd like you to stay." is good; "May i stay?" is bad. "Dangerous" suggestions from her {ones that either go beyond the letter of the law, or go too fast and thus threaten the quality of relationship} should be countered by "better ideas" thar are more moderate. Only when no other option remains, must you have what soon will soon be known among us as "the talk", explaining the dagers an intergenerational couple is facing from both sides of the estblishment {government and public} if it abandones caution. If you have any further, specific questions, please ask. Also, feel free to email me. I've kept that question in my mind for all my adult life, and through some mistakes and some difficult choices, i belive i have quite a good grasp of the answer. :=} ![]() |