GirlChat #350099
I share your frustration that it appears in Western culture (which is all I can really relate to) that children are becoming increasingly treated as "unbreakable porcelain" that should, under no circumstances, be put in danger, no matter how insignificant.
This is the direction that society as a whole is going. The blame culture, the nanny state, big brother, id cards, laws brought in under the guise of "anti-terrorism", the religious fundamentalists of both the USA and the middle east - all these elements are degrading the freedoms and ambitions of all of us. Children are just caught up in the maelstrom. The only thing I can advocate is to argue for the removal of religious doctrine from state affairs, and for a liberalisation (in a non-political sense) of the sexual feelings of everyone. I would still not go as far as taking the responsibility of rearing children away from their parents, I would just urge parents and authority to recognise that children are not asexual and that puberty should be respected above arbitary aoc laws. |