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Posted by albertRoss on Sunday, April 16 2006 at 08:54:29AM
In reply to RIP , Jamie Rose Bolin - Found Dead on Friday posted by primary colors on Saturday, April 15 2006 at 02:01:48AM

i feel kinda creepy acting forensic about this, but i think it's necessary to point out some details...

first off - i'm having a hard time googling for much information on this - the reports seem confined to cnn and some articles in the oklahoman, for which i'd have to register to read... the latter seems to be claiming that underwood kept an online blog...

my point/perspective is that underwood seems to be about as 'situational' as it gets - there seems to be no 'paedophile' connection at all:

"This was well planned out," said said Purcell Police Chief David Tompkins. He added that other individuals, including an woman and a 5-year-old boy, also were targeted and considered.

"But Rose was the one who was selected for this plan," he said.

Police suspect she was selected simply because she walked past Underwood's apartment on Wednesday.

the only spin i can find is an 'exclusive leak' reportedly planted by the prosecutor:

Authorities believe the girl was molested after she had died, Kuykendall told CNN after the news conference.

(emphasis mine)

i'd be watching to see how the media plays this - in my opinion it's got nothing to do with sex at all, except purportedly necrophilia.

and i also note, for reference, that none of the articles i've read use the dreaded P word, although the oklahoman links an article on protecting your children on the internet in related news.

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