GirlChat #178849

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Dear God!

Posted by JohnDoe420 on Tuesday, July 16 2002 at 8:09:25PM
In reply to Oh Johnny, you are a witty devil, aren't you? posted by Bereshith on Tuesday, July 16 2002 at 7:59:35PM

"Yes, what I saw in the window shall not be forgotten....
But I have since left the house and am a man in motion..."

;) ...and fate yields its blessings to aid you on your path. ;)

"This has not yet happened! I'm tripping and communicating live, via a Nokia Card Phone and a hyper-connected iPaq... I travel through the city, communicating my thoughts, sensations feelings, live via iPaq to you all..."

At the risk of being redundant... that's a trip! Rolling around, GCing... wow. "mobs of roving pedophiles, interconnected, roaming the streets... every fifth person you see... all posting on gc, realtime, in the moment - and what's the weather like on a particular streetcorner in Cleveland?"

Wow. I'm now experiencing bizzare and surreal visions of a roving hacker underground; iwannagiveyoueverythingiwannagiveyoueverythingiwannagiveyouloveinmyelectricstream, punch through the ice to broadband a dose of evidence, data transmission in an information age, and the world never was the same...

...I guess I'll stop before the people who haven't consumed anything start trippin' off my little cybertrip. :)

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