GirlChat #178839
"I think you all know how I feel... This is SOFUCKEDUP!!! Why should I be hiding like this????"
We shouldn't - but to act on this should probably wait 8-12 hours. :) ::sigh:: Reasons... reasons... to give them would be to slander the place of reason, but nonetheless... {/me goes to toke a fungus and get down with the philosophical/seeing through alternate insanities vibe...] Hmm... not quite the vibe I planned... but... Okay. Some idiot, long ago, decided that it was somehow much, much better if no one REALLY liked anyone - or even knew anyone - so long as everyone could pretend to like the one person whom everyone pretends to be. To further this, a pretend world was made, in which all chinese people have pointy ears, all people in suits are automatically respectable, even if they're stabbing your mother at the moment, and all pedophiles are in fact not pedophiles. Make perfect sense? Yeah, it doesn't make sense to the people who actually believe in it, either. Now, the downside to this is that NO ONE, not just us, actually has any real friends - just pretend people who like the pretend people whom they are. If any REAL people showed up, they'd be shot on sight. I'd imagine that this could be depressing if viewed from the wrong angle. Don't waste your time - depression never furthered anything, and there's much better angles to view it from. You know at least ONE real person; you. Most people don't even know themselves... they believe too much in pretend. And some people say kids are delusional wingnuts... anyways. That's a step up. Better still, you don't have to believe a DAMN bit of pretend. It's quite refreshing; try it as often as possible, not that you don't seem to do a good job. ...and that is quite a bit of happiness. From there, you can tease people. All it takes is the ability to see through their pretend. "C'mon... does ANYONE have any REAL friends, Bob, or is it all just an artificial pattern of social contrivance in which no actual people ever connect?" It's sort of like ranting "FOOLS!! YOUR WHOLE WORLD IS A LIE!!!," but in a more mellow 'sit back and laugh at the fools' sort of way. It's quite a hobby - and seeing through yourself can help you see through other people, too. It's something to do, and it's their loss 'till utopia.... after all, EVERYTHING they have is nothing but make-believe. What's a dollar worth, for instance? Take it to the treasury, and they'll give you... A DOLLAR!! Woo-hoo, wasn't THAT worthwhile. That ultra-primo hi-tech state-of-the-art ionizer they just aqquired? Gee, a whole lot of fancy, futuristic make believe in packaging surrounding... a bare wire. Damn, aren't YOU glad you got this 'state of the art advanced technology.' While we're on the subject, guess what? THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS LAW!! Every mother fucker on the planet has lived every moment of their life in complete and utter anarchy. No one's seen a law; they don't exist. People talk about them in books - but that's also true of a lot of fictional things. ...and the 'people with guns who do nothing but fuck with people' that everyone fears should anarchy "appear?" ::shrug:: Yeah, so, most of 'em wear shiny metal objects which they like to pretend gives them some magical authority over other people's minds, bodies, and souls - but when it doesn't work, they suspend their pretend long enough to reach for their gun.'d think they'd put it all together, wouldn't you? IT'S ALL JUST A SICK GAME, PEOPLE - AND I AIN'T PLAYIN' ANYMORE!! It's only play 'till people start getting hurt, and that was a long, long time ago... ...but why worry? You're free. Always have been. Make the most of it. :) |