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Re: Ping: Ethan Edwards

Posted by Hajduk on Tuesday, September 02 2014 at 9:43:21PM
In reply to Re: Ping: Ethan Edwards posted by EthanEdwards on Tuesday, September 02 2014 at 09:17:46AM

Unless it involves intoxication or other factors turning the whole act of driving into criminal negligence, penalties are for the most part low.

Many states recognize different degrees of vehicular manslaughter. Statutes typically authorize more severe punishment for vehicular manslaughter convictions involving drunk or drugged drivers, as opposed to convictions based on non-DUI traffic offenses. For example, in Georgia, a driver who causes a death while intoxicated can be charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, a felony carrying up to fifteen years in prison. But a driver who causes a death while committing a moving traffic offense (such as failure to maintain lane position), is guilty of second-degree vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum of a year in jail.

That is less than you get for accidentally receiving KP from an ad banner on a site that was otherwize legal.

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