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To Moth regarding sex offender treatment

Posted by Trucker on Friday, May 04 2007 at 10:11:58AM

I wanted to move this post here so it wouldn't get lost. You mentioned that sex offender treatment is designed to prevent reoffending instead of self-loathing. For one, SOTPs make every patient feel as if they've created eternal victims that will never heal, thus heaping more guilt that comes along with the constant disempowerment. The main purpose follows classical conditioning: to make the patients feel miserable and depressed by subjecting them to nothing but negativity and berating, thus creating an aversion away from any sex crimes. Do you know that most of those psychiatrists refer to pedophilia as a "sickness" instead of a paraphilia in order to make patients hate their attraction to children?

Second point is that SOTPs are extremely ineffective in reducing recidivism, and actually cause it in some cases. I remember being in an outpatient SOTP, and in just two months there were four guys out of eight in my group session who were violated by their POs for legitimate sex crimes, e.g. buying a doll and hanging around an elementary school, and walking around Knott's Berry Farm even with the GPS bracelets on. This is a result of learned helplessness resulting from "therapy" that has the original intention of producing positive changes. In other words, one is forced to feel that he/she is a pervert who is doomed to a life of eviction, outcasting, and low-wage jobs b. Therefore, the person feels the best option is either suicide (which happens a lot), or a life of perversion and prison.

But on the flip side is the fact that many sex offenders do not want to be treated. They feel they've done nothing wrong, despite the severity of the crime. In the case of consensual sex and CP, which was the majority of cases, I can see some justification there. Why be punished if there wasn't an actual victim? But as far as sociopaths and situational molesters are concerned, they are too far gone to care about anything. If someone were to put a bullet in their heads, they'd just laugh.

IMO recidivism has to be a result of the offender's willingness to not commit another crime. For myself, I know how punitive the law is and I will obey it. However, there's something inside of me that refuses to allow me to reject my pedophilia. I know there is something better for us than child abuse or persecution through law and therapy because I believe that everyone has the right to be sexual, regardless of race or age. I would like the law and therapists to see that someday and work with us to really reduce child sexual abuse.

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